Linux Content Creators You Should and Shouldn't Watch As A Beginner - 22-10-2022
Who are the best Linux content creators for a beginner?
Categories: |Linux|
Tags: |Linux| |YouTube| |Content Creators| |Personal Preferences| |Beginner|
Hello there once again! Today I want to recommend some Linux content creators I personally watch or at least watched at one point when I was an beginner.
The ones I would recommend you to watch:
- The Linux Experiment -
This fellow is absolutely awesome. He does content varying from weekly Linux and opensource news to Linux hardware reviews. There is something for everyone in this channel and is possibly the best Linux news channel you can find. He is both entertaining and informative. Although he gets a tiny bit too opinionated time to time most of the time his content is inclusive of every Linux user. I watch almost every video of his. Here and there there are videos I skip like ones about specific desktop environments or distros that doesn’t interest me much but aside from those I’m always waiting for his next video with impatience. Since his channel is aimed at everyone you may think he is also new but that is not the case. He is a seasoned Linux user who have been using Linux as his daily driver for years and because he is always on a look for recent Linux news his knowledge base is getting wider and wider. His channel is steadily growing like most Linux YouTube channels and his content is getting better and better!
- TechHut -
Another awesome fellow from YouTube who makes rather random Linux videos. He makes videos about what takes his interest at that time. Because of that it may be hard to start watching him but I assure you once you start you won’t want it to end. I personally don’t watch every single video he makes but most of them fancy my interest so I’m mostly up to date. His content varies from distro reviews to tutorials about various operating systems. His channel is aimed at anyone who is interested in Linux and tech in general. Doesn’t matter your knowledge level of Linux you can safely watch him! He is one of the least opinionated Linux creators so, everyone can watch without feeling attacked about their choices. In fact his content is so decentralized that he even occasionally makes videos about Windows.
- InfinitelyGalactic -
This fellow took a little break from YouTube but now he is back and he is better than ever! His content is aimed at everyone regardless of Linux knowledge level like all the fellows in the list I talked about so far. He makes open source project reviews and tutorials. He is also really decentralized about his choices and is open minded to all the alternatives. Lovely fellow he is! I have been watching him even before he took a break. In fact it felt rather empty to see him leave. But since he is back everything is back to normal. I skip some of his content but don’t let that stop you, I skip some of them because I already know a lot about the topics he is showing but I sometimes watch those too regardless, to see his view on the topic. I honestly think I should watch him more than I already am.
- Chris Titus Tech -
Chris is the most decentralized fellow when it comes to operating systems that you can find on entirety of YouTube. He makes videos about Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. There is little bit of everything in his channel. From system security to software recommendations. His videos are for every level user of every operating systems. I have been watching him for a long while and I should say, he knows how to make interesting content. Of course I don’t watch everything but the ones I watch are great. I usually watch his Linux oriented content but don’t let that stop you from watching all of his videos, time to time I watch windows stuff well and they are great. I also should specially thank Chris because he actually is the reason I started this blog. After checking his video about how easy is to make a website I found some courage to make my own. He also has his blog of his own, go check him out!
- Primal Penguin -
Primal penguin is a rather underrated content creator in my opinion he deserves at least 100k subscribers than what he has. I sincerely hope he gets there someday. He makes content rather infrequently but he has been in this game for over 5 years. His content is friendly for all levels of knowledge. He makes some showcase videos which how I found out about his channel. There isn’t much to say to be honest just check him out!
- DJ Ware -
Dj Ware is an underrated Linux content creator that I would suggest to every beginner Linux user, his content varies from Linux to tech and he was one of the first Linux YouTube channels I watched. I no longer watch him but it’s not because he gone worse but because my taste in Linux content has changed. That doesn’t mean his content is bad but nowadays I’m more interested in news and lesser known software than showcases. But his channels nature is perfect for a beginner who is looking for their first distro. He makes thoughtful and long showcase content. And before you select an distro you should definitely check him out.
- OldTechBloke -
OldTechBloke is there for anyone who likes rather slow and detailed content. He is extremely easy to comprehend for all levels of Linux users. I watched his content a lot when I was a beginner looking for an distro. I haven’t been watching him lately but he has a special place in my Linux beginner heart. He makes great showcase content with great detail and easy language which is perfect for a beginner.
- The Linux Cast -
The Linux Cast, aka. Matt is a content creator I frequently watch. As a beginner you may find his content a little bit harder to comprehend but I assure you he is great. He is rather new in this business but that doesn’t mean his channel is like week old. He has been making videos for more than a year and he started to get attraction lately (like 8 months ago) which really shows his great quality. For a channel that is rather young he started to rise up quite quickly and I hope he can keep this momentum. I used to watch him more frequently but lately I kind of get myself distanced from YouTube so I watch less videos of his, still the videos I watch are top notch! As for opinions… Well he is a little bit opinionated and not afraid to rant about things he doesn’t like. That’s one of the reasons I wont suggest him for an absolute beginner. But after you install your first distro on real hardware definitely go check him out. He puts lots of effort to his work and making daily videos.
- Brodie Robertson -
Brodie is rather an elitist Linux user who doesn’t pull his punches when it comes to his opinions but still is an wholesome guy. I watched him obsessively for a while. Nowadays I calmed out a bit. He certainly isn’t perfect for beginners but still is the best guy to find out about cool alternative software. When you feel ready for deep diving into the linux world Brodie can lead you to greatness. Brodie kind of came out of no where. His content just exploded two years ago and been showing steady growth ever since which really shows his efforts and quality.
The ones I didn’t watched yet but are on my queue:
These ones I haven’t found the time to watch but when I watch them I’ll do a new blog. But regardless please check them out:
The OpenBSD guy (BSD)
Root BSD (BSD)
Zaney (BSD/Linux)
Techiechap (BSD/Linux)
The ones I wouldn’t recommend you to watch:
Hmm… How to say this. There are some Linux content creators that I wouldn’t recommend for a beginner. Not all because they aren’t beginner level friendly but are… A bit too much fixed on their ideas to put it the nicest way. I have nothing against these channels, in fact I watch some of them so please don’t take any of what I say in a wrong way and harass these content creators. These channels are in this list simply because I don’t see them suiting for beginners and think these content creators may create bad impressions on Linux as a whole for beginners.
- DistroTube -
DistroTube is a content creator a lot of beginners fall for at start including me. His channel is mostly about showcasing open source software and different Linux distros. He is possibly the biggest Linux YouTuber around. I genuinely like his showcase videos. They are great, some are even beginner friendly. But the problem starts with his philosophy. He is an radical free and open source advocate. He likes to push his or rather Richard Stallman’s ideas to others and somewhat openly chastise people who doesn’t. Thankfully he doesn’t give names but his intentions are clear. Despite that when you become an stable enough Linux user for some time and develop your own opinions on the matter do check him out, he makes really high quality videos if you know which videos to ignore.
- Mental Outlaw -
Mental Outlaw… Is a meme man. His whole channel is a meme and I don’t mean that in a bad way. One of the rare Linux content creators you can watch and laugh at the same time. He is a guilty pleasure of mine. The reason behind me putting him in this list instead of the other one is that I’m still not sure about what this guy trying to do to be honest. I mean obviously entertainment is his goal but aside from that his view of matters is so confusing that I still couldn’t comprehend his opinions. He is the 4chan of Linux YouTube channels there is no mortally comprehensible reasoning behind him.
- Luke Smith -
Out of everyone in this list Luke Smith is the one I watched the least. I watched some of his videos when I was a new Linux user and decided that I should stay away from him. If you want to watch him be aware you are going for a deep dive in the ideology ocean. His content is no longer about Linux anyways, in fact it kind of never was, there was just some here and there yet he is well known in the Linux content creator community. He is more direct and offensive than any of the other YouTubers in this bottom list. And he probably doesn’t care.
Sorry to end this one on a negative note. But as you can see for every one Linux content creator I don’t recommend there is three that I recommend. So Linux content creator community isn’t all that bad after all. I hope you like this blog post and please and please do not harass anyone based on my opinions, or ever really. Send greetings to the new and great content creators you found out about in this list from me! Thank you for reading!